Want a boost of positivity to start your week?

I like my lattes with two shots of espresso.  This call also has two shots - one shot INSPIRATION and one shot PRODUCTIVITY!

Start your week off right with like-minded, professional and friendly women from a diverse set of backgrounds as we come together to get our week off to a great start.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Coach Jen

Join Us for Virtual Coffee, Clarity & Community Calls

Every Monday 9:00 a.m. Central Time

Grab Your Coffee

Come as you are - this is a casual group.  But if you want a reason to shower and start your day, go for it!

Get Inspired!

Coach Jen leads discussion and exercises on a variety of personal and professional development topics every week.

Get Productive!

Come prepared to declare your top 3 goals for the week and get accountability for achieving them.